Thursday, October 10, 2013


We lost Gloria Johnson on Sept. 22, she had been ill since breaking her pelvis in a fall in June, had been in and out of hospitals, nursing homes, convalescent hospitals since then.  She was such an ardent feminist, an early fighter for AIDS patients rights.  She and Charlie often ran for Democratic Party positions together.  We always had her up for Christmas or Thanksgiving.  She led an amazingly constructive, positive, productive life.  Maureen announced Gloria's passing at the end of the Democratic Club's awards banquet on the 22nd, the whole crowd gasped.  She and I rode in the Pride Parade of 2012 honoring Charlie posthumously.

And on Oct 8 we lost Patty Plaster, only in her 50's, vivacious, healthy, happy, the whole world going for her, but she tumbled down a flight of stairs and suffered fatal brain damage.  Incredible.  I will always remember her smile, she never had a cruel or bitter word for or about anyone.  She could express negativity about things without getting cruel or bitter.  But her most outstanding feature was her wonderful personality, just a loving person.  So our friendship group has now lost Patty and Charlie.  Gloria was of course a friend, but of a different circle, the political circle.  Wow.

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