Charlie in Hawai'i

Charlie at Manago's in Kealakekua

Charlie & Stan in the great Northwest

Charlie & me the day we got married, June 17, 2008, before the voters denied equal rights to gay people to marry. Under the direction of the tax exempt Catholic and Mormon churches. I could go on...

The wedding party. We were married right by that grove of palms on the bay side of the County Building. I had no idea being married would add so much to my happiness, to Charlie's happiness, to Our happiness. We always joked about ourselves as being a single organism, "Charliebob", a united entity. Marriage was wonderful, really wonderful. The gay center handed out roses to the happy couples at the entrance to the building. It took a few weeks for the wonderfulness of being married to sink in. A few days after we were married we attended the marriage of two gay guys, both in their 80's, who had met and gotten together back in the mid '50's. I was the "flower stud", obviously I couldn't be a flower girl, so I was the flower stud. They have both passed on now, but I am so very glad they got to enjoy being married, before the voters had their precious say. Truth is, democracy has never stood lower in my estimation, just using it to discriminate and hurt people, to further bigotry. As I said, I can go on. All the opponents of gay marriage had to do was mind their own business. Would they want my church breaking the tax laws to put in a law that discriminated against their marriage? Not likely, but do unto others as you would have them do unto you has never counted for anything with self righteous Christian busybodies, has it?
This coming Friday, Feb. 8 would have been Charlie's 66th birthday. So hard to believe he is gone.
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